How to get an employment pass 2020 in Singapore? – 5 Requirements to incorporate your business

An EP or Employment pass in Singapore is type of work visa that grants foreign workers, managers of Singapore based companies or CEOs to work and live in Singapore. But, unlike Citizenship pass, issuing EP is relatively easy and swift.

When you will send and EP application, it will be verified by the Ministry of Manpower or MOM. Though there are a few regulations that you have to go through and the ministry will also judge your application by your past work and educational qualification.

Some of the prime factors about EP

  • The minimum fixed monthly salary of the applicant should be S$3600 or higher.
  • They must have an employment offer letter issued by the Singapore based company.
  • The applicant must have a job offer for a managerial or executive position.
  • The applicant should be eligible enough to get a specific job.
  • If the candidate is extremely qualified they should get a higher salaried job.
  • It takes 3-4 weeks to get the Employment pass.
  • You are eligible to apply again if the first application gets rejected.
  • The MOM will evaluate if the applicant has a good work record and the useful skill they are bringing to the country.
  • If an applicant doesn’t have educational qualifications, he/she can still apply for an EP.

MOM examines a few factors from the company as well, such as

  • The majority of the employees should be the PR of Singapore or it has to be according to the industry average.
  • The company must show full commitment to hiring talents from Singapore first.
  • The company must contribute to the economy of Singapore as well as society.

Required documents for the application

  • The photocopy of the applicant’s passport.
  • Latest ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) approved the business profile of the company.
  • The educational certificates or degrees of the applicant.
  • A consent letter must be written by the employer on behalf of the applicant.

How to apply for the Employment pass?

To apply for an EP the company’s employer has to go through the following steps,

  • The company or the employer has to apply with an application fee of S$105, either online or manual.
  • After getting an In-principle approval letter or IPA, the applicant will be able to enter in Singapore with a 6-month visa and apply for the EP.
  • At the available in Singapore in person to apply for an EP.
  • After the EP is issued, the applicant will receive a notification letter with 1-month validity, which will allow the applicant to work and travel overseas.
  • The applicant will need to register his/her fingerprints and get their photo taken.
  • If everything goes well, the applicant will receive the EP within 1 week.

If an application gets rejected, the employer can reapply for the EP with strong new information to support the application.

Steps to incorporate your business in Singapore

To get Singapore business incorporation status, you will need to present 5 requirements,

  • At least one shareholder of the company.
  • A company director, who must be a PR of Singapore.
  • One secretary of the Singapore based company.
  • Has to pay a minimum of S$1 to the government of Singapore.
  • A valid brick and mortar address in Singapore.

Other requirements for incorporation

  • ACRA approved unique company name
  • Brief description of the business
  • A valid agreement of the shareholders
  • Complete details about the shareholders
  • Complete detail about the company director
  • Registered company address
  • MAA document
  • Must appoint an auditor within 3 months


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